I am a student of the wisdom of our forefathers and Abe Lincoln once said, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." Today as I turned in my stats exam, last as usual, the prof said, "You really did struggle with this material." in her condescending annoying tone that she has taken with me all quarter. Normally I'd take Abe's advice, politely agree, leaving the grumbling and comments for me and the interior of my Kia Spectra and that would be it. Tonight, be it lack of sleep or elevated levels of sugar and caffeine, or the false sense of confidence I get when I wear my Carnivore t-shirt, I squared my eyes and replied "That and I found you to be an intimidating and often unclear professor." Not what you want to say when your final exam and final project have yet to be graded. Sorry Abe, today I failed you and possibly my stats class.