I realize I am on the latter side of my 20's. 30 is nigh and a lot of maturity and wisdom has come with that. Enough maturity and wisdom to know that there is much maturity and wisdom to be gained. 30 yr old, 35 yr old, 40 yr old and so on versions of myself will look back on what I think I know at 27 and laugh. That said, I can say that in recent years, I have learned to chill out more and judge less. We have all taken different paths to get where we are today. We have earned the right to make life choices that make us happy and be given the benefit of the doubt that these choices are the right ones for us. Be it the choice to start wearing Crocs, vocalize whom we chose to vote for in the upcoming Election, anything having to do with relationships; making up, breaking up, living together be it in sin or wedlock (that sounds judgmental but I can say that bc I'm in the sinners club;), or listening to pop music, it's your choice to indulge as you will.
Anyone who has had the privilege/curse of listening to my iPod knows, while I have what I would consider an eclectic taste in music, pop is my main choice of jam. Since my first listen of Top 40 hits, this music genre has just made me happy. Upon enjoying the new Taylow Swift CD as my musical snack this morning, I am also aware of why I am a fan of hers. She makes me happy. She makes me love love. Her songs have guided me through crushes and breakups and when rocking out this morning I realized this was my first Taylor CD to be released when I am in love. I have trouble embracing and expressing how I feel when it comes to my relationship. I'm working on figuring out if it's fear that it'll end or just years of not having these feelings that make it hard for me to share. However, the words I feel and don't say being sung to an uptempo beat by someone other than myself, I feel safer in my feelings. Safe enough to text my boyfriend by track 6 that Taylor Swift makes me love begin in love even more than I already do.
Do I realize that Ms. Taylor Swift does not have the strongest voice out there? Of course! When her songs are followed by vocal powerhouses like Etta James, Celine, Whitney and the like on my playlists, I am never more aware of that. Are there deeper lyricist? More age appropriate artists for me to spend $12.99 on? YES. I know this to be true. But if her music gives me chance to reflect on my life, in love, and otherwise in a carefree way and smile, then I think that's great thing to be able to get for $12.99. While it might not be your cup of tea, I won't judge your crocs and presidential bumper sticker if you don't judge me skipping down the street, grinning ear to ear, and listening to words that I am so grateful to relate to these days:

"You took the time to memorize me:
my fears, my hopes, and dreams.I just like hangin' out with you, all the time.All those times that you didn't leave;It's been occurring to me I'd like to hang out with you, for my whole life."
Stay, Stay, Stay, T. Swift.