Monday, December 09, 2013
Musings From a Move
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Taylor Swift and Turning 30
Do I realize that Ms. Taylor Swift does not have the strongest voice out there? Of course! When her songs are followed by vocal powerhouses like Etta James, Celine, Whitney and the like on my playlists, I am never more aware of that. Are there deeper lyricist? More age appropriate artists for me to spend $12.99 on? YES. I know this to be true. But if her music gives me chance to reflect on my life, in love, and otherwise in a carefree way and smile, then I think that's great thing to be able to get for $12.99. While it might not be your cup of tea, I won't judge your crocs and presidential bumper sticker if you don't judge me skipping down the street, grinning ear to ear, and listening to words that I am so grateful to relate to these days:
"You took the time to memorize me:
my fears, my hopes, and dreams.I just like hangin' out with you, all the time.All those times that you didn't leave;It's been occurring to me I'd like to hang out with you, for my whole life."
Stay, Stay, Stay, T. Swift.
Monday, June 07, 2010

I am a student of the wisdom of our forefathers and Abe Lincoln once said, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." Today as I turned in my stats exam, last as usual, the prof said, "You really did struggle with this material." in her condescending annoying tone that she has taken with me all quarter. Normally I'd take Abe's advice, politely agree, leaving the grumbling and comments for me and the interior of my Kia Spectra and that would be it. Tonight, be it lack of sleep or elevated levels of sugar and caffeine, or the false sense of confidence I get when I wear my Carnivore t-shirt, I squared my eyes and replied "That and I found you to be an intimidating and often unclear professor." Not what you want to say when your final exam and final project have yet to be graded. Sorry Abe, today I failed you and possibly my stats class.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Thursday, October 12, 2006
*Written After Watching the Cincy Game*
It's like waking up on a holiday when you were a kid. Sure, you open your eyes and when you look out your window at the world, it looks like any other ordinary day. But then much like the smell of Christmas cookies in the air, or the front yard being littered with eggs, you hear the faint sound of the marching band, which grows louder as game time approaches, telling you this is no ordinary day, this is Game Day at The Ohio State University.
A campus of friends and strangers transforms. As long as you are dawning scarlet and gray you are fellow countrymen, one Buckeye Nation, under Brutus, Tressel, The Shoe. The scarlet and gray we wear is part of the Game Day holiday like the attire selection of any other holiday, you dress for the occasion. As the Best Damn Band in the Land plays "Across the Field" from your personal playlist or blares from the house party across the street, everyone in Buckeye Country chooses from an assortment of scarlet and gray face paint, beads, football shirts, Block O shirts, wigs, capes, hats. Truth is, uniform of choice to go into the gridiron battle, nuts (buckeye necklaces) and a jersey. You'll never go wrong.
Then in line with holiday tradition, there is a parade. The Game Day Parade consists "Hang On Sloopy" playing from every shop and restaurant on High, Lane, or whatever personal parade route that gets you to the Shoe. Buckeyes of all ages walk with pride, representing their Buckeye spirit. You wave, smile, high five, and "O-H" your way in line with your fellow Bucks whom you may not know by name but you know by the shared anticipation as friends.
At the end of the parade route stands the sparkling tree, the brand new bike, The Shoe is that perfect piece of the Game Day holiday and no matter how many times you see it you, when you first lay your eyes on it on Game Day stop, sigh, and take a deep breath before you head towards the gate. It being my last year as an Undergrad at
Everyone's a little friendlier. A smiling ticket taker with Good Afternoon, Enjoy the Game, and giddy thank you from me as I enter a place where there are Buckeye Spirits in the air. Woody's watching from somewhere and the presence of past greats, Archie, Eddie, Krenzel in the very stadium we are entering electrifies all who enter. I have a feeling that even those visiting Buckeye Country feel it too.
Like waiting in line for a thrill ride you race up stairs, sometimes flights and flights. That climb not only to C deck, but then to row 38 of C deck is long, but you are thrilled by every minute of it, it's after all part ride. You find your seat and look down at the Buckeye Nation's battle field, no matter where you sit, you are on the front lines, and the Bucks can't do it with you screaming the words to the Buckeye Battle Cry, Stadium
In the end, we thank the players and the Man in the sweater vest running the show and just like in the end of How the Grinch Stole Christmas, arms on the shoulders of the Buckeye next to you. Bells toll and you sing the words that again, going into 4th year have never meant so much. So many memories of the singing that song, from when I learn the words at convocation, and every Game Day since. We walk out bells still ringing and everyone calls their family, because when you go to
You take the victory lap home with your Buckeye family, discussing every minute of the action over and over again and how eager we all are for next game day the next Game Day. Back home there will be brauts and beer and other football games to watch, but no matter the outcome the other games you are happy, knowing no one else in the country has a Game Day that can compare to those known by an Ohio State Buckeye. Go Bucks!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I love a lot of things. Holidays are one of them. Downtown is decked out and ready for the holidays and I get so excited everyday day coming to and from work. There are wreathes and twinkle lights and ornaments! Though I think it is slightly unpatrioctic to replace the American flags outside the Supreme Court with Cartoon Frosty the Snowman flags, the Christmas lover in me says fly on you banners of yuletide joy!
I hope to sleep a lot during Thanksgiving break. I haven't been sleeping very much. I don't know if it was the tired delierium or that I underestimated the show, but I find myself getting easily caught up in the Hallmark channels 3 am showing of Walker Texas Ranger. Monica left my TV on that channel before we went out one weekend and when I went to settle in for the night around 3 am I flicked on the TV to find Chuck Norris lighting up the screen with his enchanting Karate moves. I kept telling myself this is a bad show and I will change at the first commercial. Apparently though, the Hallmark channel was bringing the show to me commercial free. I got totally caught up in the karate montages and early 90's inspriational saxaphone blaring in the background to help Walker up when the bad guys knocked him down, and the sweet face of the chubby asian boy who was kidnapped who he was trying to save whose face they flashed acrossed the screen when Walker needed motivation to keep fighting. Next thing you know its 4 am and not only am I wide awake, I want more Norris. I will let you know if the problem becomes more serve.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Paige is coming today. I couldn't be more excited. She is my mini me. Scary isn't it, to think there is another one like me. I've bred her this way through diligent years of teaching her my ways like teaching her to eat cake frosting right out of jars as a toddler and making her make and wear bunny hats on Easter, even when she tells me we're too old to wear them now. Her dad went to the University of Illinois, but she wears the Buckeye uniform and will say right in front of her father Let's Go Bucks. Could she be anymore perfect?
I'm batting around the idea of living aboard again. If I could get a paid internship while being abroad, I would do it in a heartbeat. I wanna go somewhere with less monkies and craziness this time. I guess only time will tell.