I am dying of embarrassment at this very second. I got dressed in the dark this morning and not fully conscious and a bright blue bra with a yellow polo seemed fitting. On the bus people were staring and I thought it was because I have my collar popped today. I was like yes people on the COTA bus I did pop my collar, for shame on you for judging me. But after being in the office for an hour I went to use the restroom looked in the mirror and there she was, electric blue blazing through my polo, shocking everyone, screaming I am a slutty intern. With this I have declared, sure 50+ year old men who stare at me inappropriately most days, today I have given you reason to keep on leering at me creepily, your persistence has paid off and here is your blue Victoria Secret trophy. I didn't wear any type of jacket today because it is supposed to be 70, so I can't cover up ole blue in anyway. I then thought turn your office lights off because then the light won't shine through the polo, making an x-ray for my goodies. But then I thought Floozy Mcblue Bra has already been seen around the office and perhaps having the lights off make my personal office seem like a den of seduction. So I'm combating the stares by staring back, watching everyone stare and judge over and over again as they walk by. CURSES!
Paige is coming today. I couldn't be more excited. She is my mini me. Scary isn't it, to think there is another one like me. I've bred her this way through diligent years of teaching her my ways like teaching her to eat cake frosting right out of jars as a toddler and making her make and wear bunny hats on Easter, even when she tells me we're too old to wear them now. Her dad went to the University of Illinois, but she wears the Buckeye uniform and will say right in front of her father Let's Go Bucks. Could she be anymore perfect?
I'm batting around the idea of living aboard again. If I could get a paid internship while being abroad, I would do it in a heartbeat. I wanna go somewhere with less monkies and craziness this time. I guess only time will tell.