I'm pretty mad at the candy world right now. Remember when there was just king size, regular size, and fun size candy bars? Well recently, I went to eat what I believed to be a fun size Twix bar and noticed that the whole thing was gone in just two bites. A fun size is at least four bites, even with a mouth as large as mine. I was outraged! How dare they shrink the fun size bar down?! Two bites is no fun at all and most definitely not fun enough to be called fun sized! I picked up the wrapper to look for the number to the comment line so I could call and let them know how unhappy I was when I saw I had been deceived. Though the package looked to like it was my beloved fun size, it was a Twix mini. Since when did they make a size smaller than fun size? It's not even worth putting in an individual wrapper if I have to eat 12 to feel like I've eaten even one fun size. It's more trash and less candy and that is a shame. Presently I am not sure whether or not they still make fun sized bars, but I intend to find out and warn you all about these smaller, disappointing apportionments of the candy world, the Twix bar mini.
I love a lot of things. Holidays are one of them. Downtown is decked out and ready for the holidays and I get so excited everyday day coming to and from work. There are wreathes and twinkle lights and ornaments! Though I think it is slightly unpatrioctic to replace the American flags outside the Supreme Court with Cartoon Frosty the Snowman flags, the Christmas lover in me says fly on you banners of yuletide joy!
I hope to sleep a lot during Thanksgiving break. I haven't been sleeping very much. I don't know if it was the tired delierium or that I underestimated the show, but I find myself getting easily caught up in the Hallmark channels 3 am showing of Walker Texas Ranger. Monica left my TV on that channel before we went out one weekend and when I went to settle in for the night around 3 am I flicked on the TV to find Chuck Norris lighting up the screen with his enchanting Karate moves. I kept telling myself this is a bad show and I will change at the first commercial. Apparently though, the Hallmark channel was bringing the show to me commercial free. I got totally caught up in the karate montages and early 90's inspriational saxaphone blaring in the background to help Walker up when the bad guys knocked him down, and the sweet face of the chubby asian boy who was kidnapped who he was trying to save whose face they flashed acrossed the screen when Walker needed motivation to keep fighting. Next thing you know its 4 am and not only am I wide awake, I want more Norris. I will let you know if the problem becomes more serve.