Some may say "My Stef, a new post, and so quickly, you must be getting more efficient!". If you are out there in Blog land dazzled by the quick posting, stop right now. The only reason I am posting is because I am frittering away my time. With every letter I type, Fritter, Fritter, F, r, i,t,t,e,r. I don't understand why it seems necessary to do everything in the world online during my hour and a half break, but it did. Wrote on some facebook walls and did some stalking, cleaned out my inbox, I even paid my bills online for goodness sakes. All in the name of procrastination.
Does anybody know what Taurine is? It's in my sugar free red bull which I drink about 8 of a week at this point. Who says you can't add more hours to your day?! With good ole Taurine you can go for at least 72 hours before you go into a coma like state for 24 hours. I really want to know what it is because the can boasts that it is in there, but I know it's not like vitamin C. And the name Taurine sounds like it should be on the periodic table of elements. But tonight down it goes intomy belly,again. If I end up glowing green I'll let you know but personally I'm hoping I develop spidey sense.